Hebden Bridge Band

We are proud to support Hebden Bridge Band! They have been playing high quality music locally for 145 years - since the days when many northern mills, such as Walkleys Clog Factory, had their own keenly competitive bands. We gave £1,950 financial support for them to travel to Cheltenham for the national Brass Band Championships in September, as Yorkshire First Section Champions, and we provided stewards for their Marching Band competition in Hebden Bridge. In return they played to appreciative crowds at our August Vintage Weekend on Calder Holmes Park. They are a local treasure. Don’t miss them if you get a chance to hear them play!

If you would like to know more, see their Facebook page at (5) Facebook

Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheRotaryClubofHebdenBridge and on Instagram at @rotaryhebdenbridge